الأربعاء، 3 يونيو 2020

Fe/Mn limits in drinking water

Fe and Mn limits in drinking water

World health organization announced that there is no limits of Fe/Mn in drinking water because Fe/Mn has no bad impact on health, but the organization mentioned that high levels of Fe/Mn may affect people acceptability of water
So national secondary drinking water regulation NSDWR set limits of Fe and Mn for esthetic reasons
Which is 0.3 mg/l for Iron and 0.05mg/l for manganese.

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مشروع تنفيذ محطة تحلية لمياه بئر عميق في الرياض بسعة 1500 متر مكعب في اليوم

مشروع تنفيذ محطة تحلية لمياه بئر عميق في الرياض بسعة 1500 متر مكعب في اليوم